Research Projects
Overall Project
Application of scaling inhibitors in the Molasse Basin
(Einsatz von Ausfällungsinhibitoren im Molassebecken)
Subproject Hydroisotop
Accompanying monitoring and experiments of different scales, Sub-project B: Isotopic-chemical investigations for the characterisation, recovery and monitoring of the inhibitor and potential degradation processes
01.10.2017 – 30.09.2020
Project Partners
- Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) – Institut für Kern- und
Energietechnik – Arbeitsgruppe Energie und Verfahrenstechnik (EVT) - Hochschule Merseburg
- TU Bergakademie Freiberg
- Geothermie Neubrandenburg GmbH
Brief description:
In the framework of the research project EvA-M inhibitors are used for the first time in order to prevent and reduce scaling in geothermal plants in the Bavarian Molasse Basin. Inhibitors are added to three plants in the Molasse Basin which are monitored and evaluated by multidisciplinary collaboration of operators, industry and research institutions. Currently, scaling of carbonate in some geothermal plants enables regulated operation of thermal water with temperatures > 100 °C and flow volumina > 100 l/s. In order to avoid such scalings, the inhibitor NC47.1B is injected in three plants underneath the centrifugal pump and effectivity and behaviour are evaluated as part of the long-term experiment. Thereby information should be obtained about a) effectivity of the inhibitor at full-scale plant, b) the degradation of the inhibitor in the subsoil, c) distribution of the inhibitor in the subsoil, d) interaction of the inhibitor in the reservoir rock and e) microbial degradation and influence on the biocenosis using the inhibitor. These findings are important to evaluate the consequences of long-term use of inhibitors with respect to the plants as well as to the hydrogeological flow system of the Malm aquifer. In order to achieve these goals, experiments of varying scales and on different bypass- and test- systems as well as a technical, hydrochemical and microbiological monitoring are necessary. This project makes a significant contribution for the sustainable use of deep geothermal energy in the Molasse Basin. As part of the regenerative-energy-law deep geothermal energy is an important component within the energy mix. In order to realise COP 21, deep geothermal energy has to be expanded to realise the required “Wärmewende”. However, this goal only can be pursued if the recently occurring scaling problems can be solved.
funded by BMWi, funding code: 0324215B