Research Projects
THC-Prognos - Hydrochemical characterization for prognostic modeling of sustainable reservoir management
01.12.2023 - 30.11.2026
Project partner:
- Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ), Helmholtz-Zentrum, D
- Technische Universität Darmstadt, D
- Technische Universität Berlin, D
- Büro für Geohydrologie und Umweltinfromationssysteme Dr. Brehm & Grünz GbR (BGU), Bielefeld, D
- Leibnitz-Institut für Angewandte Geophysik (LIAG), Hannover, D
The work focuses on the following areas:
1st Creation of a hydrogeochemical database of known reservoir thermal waters in Germany (AP-1): The aim is to comprehensively record and provide validated hydrochemical data from thermal, mineral and deep groundwater as well as brines and thermal brines. The focus is on the three most important geothermal regions in Germany: the North German Basin, the Upper Rhine Graben and the Molasse Basin. The data is compiled from various sources.
2nd Development of a thermal-hydraulic-chemical (THC) modeling tool and establishment of a guideline for THC modeling (AP-2): The aim is a coordinated, reliable method for assessing hydrogeochemical interactions, validating it and providing reference data for calibrating your own model approaches. With these procedures, the simulations, without which no reliable evaluation is possible, are brought from the research environment into the practice of consulting engineering offices and project planners.
3rd Prognostic thermal-hydraulic-chemical modeling (AP-2): The aim is to quantitatively predict the hydrochemical interactions in the area of influence (reservoir, near the borehole area and in the borehole) of medium-deep heat storage as well as deep hydrothermal direct heat generation at selected project locations.
4th Expansion of the geothermal information system GeotIS (AP-3): The findings on the hydrochemistry of reservoir fluids should be made publicly accessible over time in relation to formation and location. For this purpose, GeotIS is to be supplemented and provided with new functions for the interactive representation of hydrochemical reservoir parameters.
funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, funding number 03EE4056F