Research Projects
Machine Learning for Enhancing Geothermal energy production
Sub-project Hydroisotop
Determination of hydrochemical and technical parameters for interpretation, requirements, model creation and validation
01.09.2022 – 31.08.2025
Project partner
- Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) – Institut für Kern- und
Energietechnik – Arbeitsgruppe Energie und Verfahrenstechnik (EVT) - Fraunhofer Institut für Solare Energiesysteme (ISE)
- Transmark Renewables Turkey
- hydroFilt GmbH
- Geosaic GmbH
Short description
The objective of the MALEG project is to create digital tools (including a digital twin) that, in conjunction with new process technologies for brine treatment, will enable a significant improvement of the energetic exploitation potential of geothermal plants and at the same time significantly increase the operational reliability of the plants over long periods. This will increase the economic efficiency of new and operating geothermal plants and will enable a sustainable reservoir management for several decades. Next to the ecological benefits of improved energetic exploitation rates, financial project risk can be reduced which has a positive effect on low capital costs. Eventually, this makes it easier for geothermal projects to obtain project finance which is extremely relevant to accelerating the development of the geothermal market in the coming decade.
Supported by BMWi, support code: 03EE4041C