Piccaro 1
Blei burg
Tritium Daten 3
Proben 2

Radioactive Isotopes

A variety of radioactive isotope systems are used in the environmental science:

Isotop Medium Methode
3H water (H2O), methane (CH4) LSC

water (DIC, DOC), gas (CH4, CO2), biomass, food additives, alcoholic drinks, renewable resources (renewable proportion)

LSC or Ams
85Kr water low-level proportional counter
39Ar water low-level proportional counter
81Kr water ATTA
36Cl water AMS

water, soil gas, indoor air

γ-spectrometry, dosimeter
223Ra, 224Ra, 226Ra, 228Ra water, solids α- and γ-spectrometry as well as β-/γ-coincidence spectrometry
210Pb water, solids LSC
210Po water, solids α-spectrometry
234U, 235U, 238U water, solids α- and γ-spectrometry, ICP-MS
227Th, 228Th, 230Th, 232Th water, solids α- and γ-spectrometry , ICP-MS
134Cs, 137Cs water, solids, food γ-spectrometry
131I, 129I water, solids, food LSC
86Sr/87Sr water, solids, food TIMS
90Sr water, solids, food β-spectrometry
40K, 60Co etc. solids γ-spectrometry

Feel free to contact us for additional radioactive parameters.

Radiological Evaluation

The EU drinking water directive constitutes the evaluation of the radioactive load of water for human use by determining the total indicative dose. The limit of the total indicative dose is given as 0.1 mSv/a. The total dose comprises an evaluation of the yearly radiation dose which results from the consumption of the water.

Corresponding to the German drinking water directive the determination of total indicative dose is done using the measurement of the isotopes Radium-226, Radium-228, Uranium-234, Uranium-238, Lead-210, and Polonium-210.

Informationen about possibilities for the reduction of radioactive load in water can be found here.